Application of Threat and Error Management
Application of Threat and Error Management (TEM) in relation to aircraft operation
Operation of Aircraft
Applicability of EASA regulations
Responsibility and authority of Pilot in Command (PIC)
Documents to be carried
Dangerous goods
Fuel and oil, refuelling
Instruments and equipment
Safety equipment
Avoidance of Hazards
Avoiding hazardous situations
Avoidance of wake turbulence
Search and Rescue Procedures
Principles of search and rescue procedures
Search and rescue signals
Accidents and Incidents
Accident definitions and investigation
Safety reporting
Safety publications
Care of Passengers
Passenger briefing and passenger procedures
National Procedures
National rules and procedures
Basic Concepts
Static and dynamic pressure
Aerodynamic forces
Aerofoils and wings
The Four Forces
The Stall
Stalling angle of attack
Factors affecting stall characteristics
Factors affecting stalling speed
Stall warning
Spin avoidance
Spinning characteristics
Stability and Control
Stability and control in yaw
Stability and control in roll
Stability and control in pitch
Trimming controls
High lift devices
Air brakes and spoilers
Other flying controls
Principles of Flight
Straight and level flight
Turning and manoeuvring
Operating Limitations
Airspeed and load limitations
The load diagram (manoeuvring envelope)
Other operating limitations
The Airframe
Airframe design and construction
Serviceability checks
Flying Controls
Flying control design and construction
Serviceability checks
Undercarriage design and construction
Tyres and brakes
Serviceability checks
Piston Engines
Principles of operation
Piston engine design and components
Serviceability checks
Piston Engine Systems
Fuel system
Induction system
Ignition system
Oil system
Cooling system
Other engine systems
The Propeller
Principles of operation
Propeller design and components
Propeller handling
Serviceability checks
Engine Handling
Engine limitations
Engine handling
The Electrical System
Principles of operation
Electrical system design and components
Instruments and Systems
The pitot static system
The altimeter
The vertical speed indicator
The air speed indicator
The suction system
Attitude indicator
Heading indicator
The turn indicator / turn co-ordinator
The compass
Other instrumentation
Integrated electronic displays
Avionics Systems
Communications Equipment
Integrated Electronic Displays
Cockpit Equipment and Systems
Doors, windows and exits
Seat belts and harnesses
Cockpit heating and ventilation systems
Emergency Equipment
First aid kit
Fire extinguishers
Lifejackets and life rafts
Other survival equipment
Aircraft Airworthiness
Aircraft registration
Airworthiness Certificate, Permit to Fly
Aeroplane Flight Manual/Pilot Operating Handbook
Aircraft maintenance and serviceability
Maintenance and serviceability documentation
Converting Onto a Another Aircraft Type
Practical considerations when converting onto a different aircraft and/or variants
National Procedures
National rules and procedures
Mass and Balance
Mass limitations
Calculation of aircraft mass
Centre of gravity limitations
Calculation of centre of gravity
Performance - Take-Off and Climb
Factors affecting take-off and climb performance
Calculation of take-off and climb performance
Performance - Cruise
Principles of endurance and range
Factors affecting cruise performance
Calculation of cruise performance
Performance - Descent and Landing
Factors affecting descent and landing performance
Calculation of descent and landing performance
VFR Flight Planning
Route selection
Communication and radio navigation selection
Completion of the navigation plan
The Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP)
Obtaining meteorological information
International flight
Fuel Planning
Fuel required calculation
ICAO (ATS) Flight Plan
Requirement to File ICAO (ATS) Flight plan
Submission of the ICAO (ATS) Flight plan
National Procedures
National rules and procedures
Eagle Flight Training Ltd - Gloucestershire Airport - Staverton - GL51 6SR -
01452 491100 / 07958 748837
Registered in England - Company No 09637558 VAT No 430553228
Registered address: Pi House - 40a London Road - Gloucester - GL1 3NU
Declared Training Organisation GBR.DTO.0003 - PRIVACY POLICY - TERMS & CONDITIONS - Site Designed by Ginger Boy Design
Photograph Credits with thanks: Robert Leons - David Reeves of High Level Photography - iStock.com images - Lee Rowley